Friday, December 14, 2012

Autism and GMO's

After reading lots of article and other blogs with great links I shared with my husband that I wonder if Austim is on the rise due to GMO's.

I am not saying that GMO's cause austim I am thinking there COULD be a link. A predisposition that gets triggered by GMO's. I hear from lots of friends, who have friends, who know someone who doesnt vaccinate because they believe there is a link to Autism. There has been many studies done proving that here is no link. Again, this is just a thought. In the early 80's in when GMO's became FDA 'safe' and since the late 80's autism has skyrocketed.

I would be interested to see if there are any studies out there about babies who drank formula and  now have ausitm. In my earlier post I stated there are no baby formulas on the market that are GMO free. Although they claim organic they are not USDA approved (let me know if you find one).

Ill be the first to admit that I could amy off my rocker and a true lunatic for even entertaining this idea.

From having my own baby and learning all about how rapidly babies grow in their first few years I have no doubt that what we give our children will affect their small bodies.

If a baby from birth is given formula that if filled with GMO's wouldnt it affect their small, immautre bodies or cause their bodies to respond differently becaue of GMO's. If adults are seeing Celiac and other diseases linked to GMO consumption how much more important is it that we protect our children."engineered genes distort the way the body processes key amino acids", and when our babies are so little all their cells need the chance to fully form and function.
GM Soybean Oil
GM Soy Lecithin
GM Maltodextrin
GM Soy Protein
GM Corn Syrup

"Infant formula is already a inferior food for babies, putting them at greater risk for variety of illnesses including ear and upper respiratory infections, asthma, diabetes and cancer. These risks may be increased when infant formula is genetically engineered. GMO ingredients can alter the nutritional value of baby foods, increase exposure to toxins, and elevate the risk of developing allergies and resistance to antibiotics." Wouldnt the nutrition levels in formula be compromised due to GMO's?

"Many authorities are concerned because GMOs in baby foods are not adequately tested for safety and should not be used in baby foods as artificially fed infants are dependent on formula as their sole source of food for month on end.
Infant formula is already a inferior food for babies, putting them at greater risk for variety of illnesses including ear and upper respiratory infections, asthma, diabetes and cancer. These risks may be increased when infant formula is genetically engineered. GMO ingredients can alter the nutritional value of baby foods, increase exposure to toxins, and elevate the risk of developing allergies and resistance to antibiotics.
According to Vyvyan Howard, a toxilogical pathologist at the Liverpool University Hospital: "Swapping genes between organisms can produce unknown toxic effects and allergies that are most likely to effect children."
In the United States, foods for infants and young children containing GMO do not require labeling or testing. as a result, concerned parents can't avoid feeding GE food to their children."

What can a mother do then if like my friend your  hormons make it difficult to produce milk, you adopt a child, supply is low?

I know off the top of my head (possibly) two options: Local milk bank and speaking with your physician about making your own goats milk formula.*

*Im going to my peditrician today and I am going to ask about this IDEA of making homemade formula. It may be the worst idea EVER, but I wanna see what she says. It could be the dumbest, most illogical idea.

Most importantly share with friends and family members to make calls to formula companies. Start asking for a true, GMO free formula. Sometimes this is the only option for babies and if we all believe in giving baby the 'right start' lets start with one of  their most vital food & life sources.


  1. I, like you, have no idea the true reason for increase in autism but I have my suspicions, and diet is at the top of the list (and I'm not opposed to the immunization idea either - I know someone whose son became autistic after a specific immunization). Between GMOs and crazy pesticides and other horrific things we put in our bodies (margarine, aspartame, etc), I think we'd be ignorant to not think there is some link between autism and diet. Check out this article on the GAPS diet and autism - amazing.

    About homemade formula: if I end up having issues next go around and am not able to BF for a full year, I will definitely make my own formula. There is a recipe for it in the book, Nourishing Traditions - have you read this book/cookbook? It is seriously my go to for nutrition. I regret having my baby ingest all those nasty ingredients from baby formula - never again...homemade all the way!
    (found the recipe online -

  2. I have heard of that book. I will look at those links. Excited to share information. I wonder if parents need something to blame the autism on, I probably would too. But maybe all the food, vaccines, genes/predisposition could all collide into a perfect combination that a little body cant handle so things go wacko. My Dr said NO to the formula but Im still going to do more research.
